Friday, December 9, 2011

Non Favorites

New Things: SEBTS Christmas Concert, Went to my last class in a Fall semester EVER!!!!

I don't like to complain a lot, so I keep things to myself.  It usually starts building up inside of me until finally I'm on the phone with my mom where I just unleash built up non favorites all over her.  It is amazing she ever answers the phone.  So I've decided maybe the most healthy way to unleash this is to tell you.  There is no particular order.

1. a driver to the left of me at a stop sign creeps up so I can't see cars coming from the left.  Just freakin hold your horses so I can take a right turn.
2. getting phone calls from telemarketers who insult me by trying to convince me that I signed up for online college classes and then are defensive when I tell them I didn't and want off their list.
3. people that yell at me because they were inconvenienced by something out of my control.
4. people that make excuses for their mistakes.  just apologize and don't do it again.
5. Anything below 50 degrees without snow should not be allowed.
6. Being told what to do (this is a pride issue, I understand)
7. Country music
8. dark chocolate
9. cussing
10. sweet tea or dr. pepper
11. the unknown
12. predictability
13. driving long distances by myself
14. jealousy
15. crying
16. being wrong
17. disappointing others
18. the color brown
19. bullies
20. complaining

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