New Things: Read "Life Together" by Bonhoeffer, cooked enchiladas, ate at Over the Falls Deli new location, Watched Taking the Pelham 123
I can only explain my ridiculous behavior with the possibility that I might actually be crazy. Please don't judge me and love me despite myself. My apologies for how my crazy might effect you.
(These are in no particular order. All are equally crazy.)
1. I can't start a new book (or reading assignment) until I have finished the current one. The same goes with a tv show and chores.
2. I think it is better to sleep on the floor than my queen size sleigh bed with a new mattress.
3. The one thing that makes me feel better is actually the thing that makes me feel worse- COOKIE DOUGH or Running
4. My medicine is a dance party
5. I do not enjoy technology
6. Giving me a compliment is one of the worst things you can do to me.
7. A person of few words is most impressive to me.
8. Avocado, coffee, and bread are the staples in my diet.
9. I hate boardgames and game night because I am unhealthily competitive
10. I daydream about "what if" tragedy scenarios in my life
11. I order from menus based on how fun it is to say "Medium Mighty Meaty Mellow Mushroom" or "Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity"
12. I like movies that make the criminal seem intelligent.
13. I eat my food one ingredient at a time. (i.e. pizza: I eat the toppings, cheese, sauce, then bread)
14. A routine or predictability unnerves me.
15. I cannot concentrate without noise
16. The sound of a clock ticking or a turning signal drives me crazy.
17. I am a stickler on words being used appropriately. The words "love", "hate", "always", and "never" are too strong of words to throw around so lightly.
18. I waste time thinking about the most odd things, like why are there white crayons? why does a cloud represent a dream in cartoons? Is the color blue the same for everyone or do we just know to call that color blue? Why are Kenyans faster than everyone else? How does pushing a button on a box freeze time in a picture? What happened to Fraggle Rock?
19. I love trying to figure out the logic of a 5 year old or working with the most challenging child. The sad thing is I'm usually tracking their flow.
20. I have a shoulder dance that I do to my own beat that is now a universal sign for "oh yeah, this is happening to me right now"
21. I have a ridiculous knack for attracting the most unique situations like being paid to stop singing karaoke, share the gospel with a Druid, having a 50 year old woo me after meeting at Starbucks, laying tile at a bona fied hoarder's house, having my very own stalker, crazy guy that tried to live in my basement in college, being robbed by my next door neighbor, climbing a roof for a kid's shoe at work (these will be stories you get to view on the blog at some point).
22. I thrive off of foolish challenges. (ride a tricycle, have a dance off with a stranger, cupcake eating contest, take bets)
23. I'm terrified of public speaking but don't think twice about speaking my mind.
24. I have an unruly fear of horses, feet, falling asleep to silence, holding babies, and the Maasai Market in Kenya.
25. I drink hot coffee in the summer more than I drink water.
I noticed that I was present when a lot of your 'odd situations' took place. Maybe it is you and I together that gets us in trouble!